Human Interdependence

Interdependence is a dynamic, mutually and physically responsible to, and share a common set of principles with many others. This concept differs distinctly from "dependency", which means that each Member of a relationship cannot function or to survive apart from each other. In a reciprocal relationship is all participants in the emotional, economic, ecological and moral autonomy while at the same time responsible for each other. A reciprocal relation can be defined as a device that depends on two or more cooperative autonomous participants (e.g.-co-op). Some people advocate freedom or independence as a kind of ultimate good; others do the same with devotion to his family, the community or society. Interdependence recognizes the truth in each position and sweet life them together.
Environmental beliefs and principles of the sustainable development of water conservation: towards a new scale of human interdependence resources
Verdugo Ranch, v., g. g., Carrus-, Bonnes, m., Moser & charts, j. (2008).Environmental beliefs and principles of the sustainable development of water conservation: a description of the scale of human interdependence. towards a new qualification Environment and behavior, 40 (5) 703-725.
It is the dichotomy between the two apparently thought the conflicting belief systems: the so-called "exceptional human resources" (HEP)-a new explanation of anthropocentric belief system-and the "environment" (NEP), the nature of the ecocentric. The goal of this document, the integration of human resources (NHIP) and nondichotomic, a new water saving measures of the impact test for the existence of interdependence. The integration of human development and the nature conservancy NHIP the close interdependence between its claim and the nature of dynamic processes and human needs, conceives a process taking into account. Italy are living in the city of France, and the 50-9 people, Mexico and India did not correspond to the items in the advanced equipment as well as measuring purposively (NHIP-scale): item on the scale hepatitis NEPThey also have their home economies reported self-water conservation efforts.NHIP was consistently observed that the indicators of the NEP scale water saving of hepatitis a little bit better was a prophet.
There is a view that computer technology has allowed better communication, interaction and Bakker. It is thought that this massive the introduction and start up of new ideas and companies has made a difference. This is supported by the work of Steven Covey [3] and the don Tapscott and Anthony Williams Macrowikinomics book. These works point to Baker, as one of the principles of the age of networked intelligence, and of the progress of knowledge and innovation. Along with openers sharing and collaboration, integrity, Tapscott and Williams that Bakker is transforming businesses and the world we live in. [4] maintains that we function best if innovators Covey when we recognize, and work on, the role of the Baker.